Sunday 29 March 2009

I need a holiday

Sister out-law is off to Amsterdam for her birthday
with a promise to send me a postcard from the Van Gogh museum
Anything with stars
well I was a little more specific than that

Just looked up Van Gogh and surrealism
to see if I can slip him into my project somehow
Wikianswers tells me
"he has nothing at all in common with the surrealists,
who painted dreams"
But he painted the night
the doorway to our dreams
the gatekeeper for the surrealists

No, just checked my list
he's not on it
Sorry! I cannot do "Time and Space" without Vincent.
I will not
and I'll turn his deaf ear to anybody
who tries to tell me differently


Patricia said...

My husband is reading, "Surreal Lives: The Surrealists 1917-1945", by Ruth Brandon. I checked the index and could not find Vincent listed.
You will need to come to Washington for a visit during Cherry Blossom time, and yes, stay for one of David's marvelous dinners!

twisted sister said...

Food? food? :)
was planning on buying the Spanish cookbook you mentioned.
How lovely, an invitation!
Been reading a few chapters of "Surreal Lives" very informative indeed.

Patricia said...

I was just in the school's art library killing time and discovered that there had been a show at the Museum of Modern Art that closed in January...Van Gogh and the Colors of the Night.

twisted sister said...

I am staying with these night pix x
thanks for the link

twisted sister said...

ps I think that is the exhibition that is on in Amsterdam at the moment is the same one. So near and yet so far.