My sister outlaw and my niece are here for a visitation
I wasn't allowed to take pix in certain areas of the shop
some black and white photo's in the alcoves
things were a bit wild in town
as Liverpool had just beaten Manchester United 4:1 away!
Everton were playing at home too
I headed away from the crowds
back down to the tunnel under the Mersey
I prefer less excitement in my life
i once had the most glorious Beatles scrapbook...in the days when such things really were pasted together from scraps
clippings [some mouldy] that i'd found as a teenager in an odd box at a book sale in the seventies
so they were already quite old
luckily the Ash Wednesday fires ate them
so i don't need to be embarrassed by the moth eaten remnants now
Talking of remnants
I get one word
and it keeps me quiet for much much more than a couple of days
at least
still feasting
Thank you x
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