Saturday, 4 April 2009

The Grand National

To continue with the horses theme
today we had the Grand National Horse race
from Aintree (Livepool!)
I went once
years ago
we stood by Beechers Brook
swore I'd never go again
not sure if I actually did (swear that is)
but I didn't like what I saw
beautiful horses though

goig to a 55th birthday party tonight
so better start getting ready


Anonymous said...

Hello from France, however I moved here from Kent area 20 years ago- it was a good move! My daughter, her husband and their two children had bets on the Grand National yesterday, then at the last minute also decided to put £5 on the rank outsider!! Which, as you probably know came in at 100 to one!! Nice little nest egg for Easter eh?

twisted sister said...

Hi there
thanks for your visit
Well done to your daughter and family
I may be contacting you for racing tips (though gambling isn't one of my vices)
It was a great race and made me want to go next year with my camera.
Lucky you living in France.
I lived and worked in a chateau near Rennes for a month in 1983 the went down for the grapepicking in Beaujolais. My Dad's mother was French, born in Orleans though she died before I was born-
Lovely to get a visit from France