Sunday, 5 July 2009

The importance of Timing

Very happy with the results
left it a little too long though
now have some mending to do


india flint said...

ooh i was wondering how your dress had fared. John Marshall [master dyer in the US] recommends a post-dyeing dip in soy to help fix colours on cellulose fibres

might be worth a try?

i spent most of my time in Ohio recently wearing a lovely hemp dress that had been passed on by a friend
dyed a nice green using red-onion skins in an iron pot with the addition of a good bunch of solidago

fortunately NO holes...
but think how delightful a bit of stitching will be...

twisted sister said...

Am looking forward to doing some stitching now
Tried to put the dress on earlier
but it was still a bit too fragile
Will definately use silk thread and maybe some patches too
Been following your travels in the US
what fun!...xx

t said...

This is beautiful twisted... you have some lovely colours and tones in this dress. I bet it looks fantastic on...

Maureen said...

Perhaps you can line it with a thin muslin just to give it some strength, it will also give you some coverage in case it come apart while you're wearing it.

Patricia said...

Been wondering how this work would turn looks pretty remarkable.

twisted sister said...

Hi T, Maureen and Patricia
Really appreciate all the comments
Thanks :)
Been busier than I like recently
but it's probably doing me some good
T - the colours are great thanks to India and her pockets full of red onion skins, smuggled eucalyptus leaves and a rusty iron bar big enough to batter (buddhist tendencies aside) any home invader with.
Maureen - it is actually lined but I may double line it and try stitching to the front of it as well. Not sure about this though. Maybe I would have to wear a unitard under it to protect my modesty?
Patricia - my SIX sewing and printing books I ordered from Amazon after a visit to your blog are sitting in front of me now and my credit card has recently been suspended due to unusual activity.
Ah well... stops me spending anyway. hee hee.