Sunday, 21 December 2008

Still Alive and kicking

It's all self inflicted
I will call it the lost weekend
Thank goodness it is only once a year
the post office party trawl around the pubs in Liverpool
with ensuing memory loss that I cannot put down to age
Black Friday they call it -
that puts excessive pressure on our national health system
still fragile and shaky on Saturday
quietly relaxing sofa Sunday
The party season has begun
Did do some dancing...
no more details
tee hee
been sedating the cats all weekend with the central heating
though they still appear for snax and cuddles
every now and again
Sid is here now
and then he is gone
back to bed
oh no back again
he's a cuddle addict
he could never go to another owner as it would be cruel
nobody would ever cuddle them as much as me
I love the trust we have established
at one time I thought I couldn't even look after myself properly
let alone the cats
now he is upside down curled up in a ball and purring
he has never been teased and keeps his claws in
usually - unless he gets very excited over a game
bit like me really
well on that note it must be time for bed
doncha think...


india flint said...

ah the joy of the warm furry firmly convinced that curling up with a cat prevents hangovers - only believe....

t said...

party week, I remember those.
don't have many parties now, but still have the hangovers.....

B loves cuddles too.

twisted sister said...

Think I am in recovery mode now
tiptoeing towards Tuesday
would have been a different story
if I had had children
as it is I can run amok into my dotage
knickers waving in the breeze
God rest my soul